Join Gapps
We are always looking for new Gappsians to join our workplace family. Does your career path lead to us?

Would you like to work at Gapps?
Gapps is an upbeat work community that takes good care of its members. We encourage learning and development and trust the members of our community. We work with earnestness and professionalism, but we don’t forget to enjoy ourselves.
At Gapps, we are a group of a little over 40 smart and helpful people including salespersons, programmers, change management experts and technical support persons, just to name a few.
What can we offer you?
Gapps offers its employees responsibility, freedom, flexibility and professional development. You are free to choose where you do your work.
We offer competitive wages, employee benefits, excellent training opportunities, Heltti’s occupational health services and OP Pohjola health insurance.
Occupational health and insurance
Occupational health services at Gapps are provided by Heltti, which specialises in providing mental health and occupational wellbeing services to knowledge workers.
A sense of community and teamwork
To many of us, Gapps is more than just a workplace; it’s an important community and a family we work with towards shared goals.
Fringe benefits
Gapps offers its employees telephone, commuting, sport, culture and lunch benefits.
Comprehensive induction
We make sure you’re taught everything you need to know and have the tools you need in order to succeed. During your induction, you will receive a comprehensive understanding of the different business areas and activities of Gapps and get to know your new workplace family.
A relaxed office
Our office is located in Kalasatama, Helsinki. There, in addition to our wonderful co-workers, you will also find electric adjustable standing desks, sofas, quiet workspaces and snacks.
Excellent training opportunities
We select our employees based on their skills, and maintaining, continuously developing and deepening those skills is of principal importance to us.
Forward-looking technology
When working at Gapps, you will be using the newest technologies and creating growth for our customers using your technical and business skills.
Gapps Goes
We build a sense of solidarity in our work community through shared experiences, of which we offer a wide variety from trying different sports to travelling.