Gapps whistleblowing channel
Report any suspected breaches or unethical conduct via Gapps’ whistleblowing channel.
Fostering an open and safe culture is at our core
To promote an open, transparent, and safe organisational culture, we utilise a whistleblowing channel for reporting suspected misconduct at Gapps. The implementation of the whistleblowing channel is based on the Whistleblower Protection Act and the European Union's Whistleblower Protection Directive.
The purpose of the channel is to provide a confidential way, in a work-related context, to bring suspicions of possible misconduct or violations of operational principles to the internal investigation. Reports can be made with full anonymity or with a name. You can report based on suspicion alone and without concrete evidence, as long as the report is made honestly and in good faith.
Primarily, it is advisable to discuss your concern or suspicion with your supervisor or management. If the discussion does not feel like a viable option or does not work, you can always use this channel to report the issue.
Gapps will ensure that any reports filed via whistleblowing channel are treated confidentially, impartially, and independently by a named whistleblowing team. If the complaint concerns a member of the whistleblowing team, they will not be involved in the handling and investigation of the case. The processing of personal data complies with the obligations under the Data Protection Act (1050/2018).
At the end of the reporting process, you will receive a personal code, which you can use to track the progress of your report. If you have submitted a report and lose the case code, please submit a new report, referring to your original report. This will allow us to continue the investigation in cooperation with you.
Once we receive the report, we will acknowledge your notification within 7 days. If necessary, we will ask you for further information during the investigation. This step will also be done through the channel, confidentially and anonymously. We will inform you of the outcome of the investigation via the channel within 3 months of the report filing.
More information about reporting can be found on our service provider's website.
Want to file a report?
Start by clicking the button below and we'll get back to you.